Uncapping Growth: Tackling strategic infrastructure to deliver new homes and opportunities

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The National Planning Forum was delighted to hold our latest event in Cambridge today in partnership with Carter Jonas.

Chaired by NPF management committee member Fionnuala Lennon, our guests heard insights on the delivery of strategic infrastructure from our expert panel. They discussed a range of topics including how to deliver sustainable growth, English devolution and unlocking opportunities with new infrastructure.

Nik Johnson, Mayor of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority spoke about his desire to see further devolution for England’s regions to deliver coordinated growth for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. He highlighted the importance of providing active and sustainable connectivity for communities.

The CPCA is working to deliver Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s ten-year growth plan to the government, in order to realise the great potential that the region offers. With recent ministerial visits it is clear, that the government realises that there is “something quite special about this area” he said.

Will Gallagher, Strategy Director for East West Railway Company explained that EWR is more than just a transportation project, in that it aims to connect communities and improve quality of life.

The project will be able to unlock economic growth and through good design improve the lives of those surrounding the railway. He hoped that the new government would commit to EWR in the upcoming budget.

Paul Miner, Head of Policy and Planning at CPRE The countryside charity conveyed the charity’s aims of supporting new homes and growth that protects the countryside and wildlife.

He expressed support for further devolution and empowering local voices’ involvement in the design and planning process. He welcomed land use frameworks and said that spatial planning should also consider wider resource management such as water scarcity.

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