Who are the best guardians of good design? – Thursday 13 October 2022
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via Zoom
Chair: Helen Williams, Head of Neighbourhood Planning & Housing, Locality and Member NPF Management Committee
- What is good and what is bad design and how can good be spread? – David Milner, Deputy Director, Create Streets
- Design coding – learning by example – Sarah Allan, Head of Architecture, DLUHC
- Working with communities on design and placemaking – Jane Manning, Allies & Morrison Urban Practitioners
- What does good design mean to local people and how can they realise their aspirations through neighbourhood planning? – Sarah McMichael, Chair, Lee Neighbourhood Forum
- Ensuring infrastructure projects incorporate good design – Alister Kratt, Director, LDA Design
Watch a recording of the event here
For further information about the programme please contact the NPF Secretary
The Forum is very grateful to Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners for their support in hosting this event