Who are the members?
Membership is open to representative organisations with an interest in town and country planning who operate within one of the five categories of business; professional associations; planners in government; local government; and the third sector.
A further category of ‘Associate’ allows the continued involvement of organisations whose own governance arrangements preclude them becoming full members of the Forum.
In 2022-23 a flat rate annual membership subscription of £300 has been charged to all member and associate organisations.
Why be a member?
Member organisations of the Forum are entitled to:
- free attendance for up to 5 members of the organisation at all Forum events
- receive reports and presentations from leading practitioners, policy-makers, civil servants and politicians, and the opportunity for questions and discussion in a ‘Chatham House Rule’ environment with a limited number of participants
- participate in a unique cross-sectoral discussion on policy and practice
- enjoy exceptional networking opportunities
- influence the NPF programme of events, projects and initiatives
- access to a revitalised website
- use of the Forum logo on letterheads, websites, etc
- link to each member organisation’s website from the Forum website and display of your logo on that site
- as members of the company, exercise nomination and voting rights at the annual general meeting for Board Directors and members of the Management Committee
- approve an annual report, accounts and business plan
Who runs the National Planning Forum?
The Forum itself is the principal decision making body, with agreed objectives and an annual Business Plan. At a strategic level the Forum is directed by a Board of Directors, with the day to day management and operation of the Forum undertaken by a Management Committee working with the Secretary.
The Board of Directors
- Chair – Dave Chetwyn
- Vice Chair – Esther Kurland
- Treasurer – Mike Hayes CBE
- Company Secretary – Linda Durtnal
The Management Committee
- Professions: Andrew Taylor – (Royal Town Planning Institute)
- Government agencies: Fionnuala Lennon – (Homes & Communities Agency)
- Voluntary/third sector: Helen Williams – (Locality)
- Business: Barry Davies – (British Institute of Agricultural Consultants)
- Local government: Jonathan Wade – (Planning Officers Society)