Planning for the future: impact of the NPPF and other policy areas – 26 June 2019
Hosted by Grosvenor Group at 70 Grosvenor Street, London, W1K 3JP
Introduction – Fionnuala Lennon, Head of Garden Communities, Homes England and NPF Management Committee
How is joint strategic planning working in practice?
- Catriona Riddell, Director, Catriona Riddell & Associates Ltd
- Chris Outtersides, Director, SW Hertfordshire Strategic Plan
Developer perspective on the joint strategic planning process
- Andy Sharpe, Director of Project Managements, Strategic Land, Grosvenor Group
The impact of the NPPF and housing delivery test in rural areas
- Louise Evans, Service Manager, Policy & Strategy, New Forest District Council
- Barry Davies, Davies & Co, Chartered Surveyors
The NPPF – natural networks and environmental gain
How should planning be responding to the Government’s housing policy as set out in the NPPF
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